FOIA & Release of Information (ROI) Requests
Reduce review time by 40% with automated digitization, discovery, and redaction

Anacomp's artificial intelligence and intelligent document processing (IDP) automation quickly and accurately digitizes, corrects data risks, discovers data, and redacts records
Check out our white paper on how data automation speeds throughput for digitization, correcting misfiled data and automating redaction.

D3 automated solutions for FOIA & ROI requests

Digitize & classify
Anacomp helps you meet your digitization and metadata classification goals for agency electronic discovery requirements, and public electronic records access, in a timely manner while preserving human resources. We developed our technology and processes over decades serving 120 federal agencies.
Our chain of custody and production management system ensures proper control and protection of documents and data during the digitization process. We also offer M-19-21 digitization services.

Misfiled records correction
Use our D3TECT Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution to identify and correct records containing PII other sensitive data to ensure that FOIA and ROI requests are complete and compliant.
Check out our White Paper Use Case on digitization and misfiles correction of service treatment records.

Data discovery & tagging
Anacomp’s D3 Data Discovery & Distillation solution with federated search instantly finds over 950 file types of digital data, including structured and unstructured data, down to the actual content-level to comply with data discovery for FOIA or ROI requests.
Indexed data can be tagged and organized to meet public electronic records availability requirements, or sent to workflows for redaction. Check out our White Paper on the data foundation of Zero Trust.

Automated redaction with human supervision
Save over 40% manual review time using our R3DACT Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution for human-supervised automated redaction. Bulk input records for automated identification of fields requiring redaction.
Easy-to-use operator tools enable fast review and approval for custom redaction workflows. Automated output produces a new redacted version while preserving the original.
R3DACT & D3TECT Demo for Healthcare Use Cases
intelligent document processing for misfiled patient records and redaction

Legal Requirements for FOIA and ROI Requests
The Freedom of Information Act (1967) requires public access to many records, and the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 includes new requirements for providing public electronic access to federal documents and frequently requested records.
The number of FOIA requests has increased each year. The Department of Justice Summary of Annual FOIA Reports for Fiscal Year 2022 reported 90,189 additional requests in FY 2022 compared to 2021, an 11% increase.
Release of Information (ROI) Offices must also locate and review sensitive data to comply with inter-agency and intra-agency ROI requests, Congressional ROI requests, and litigation ROI requests.
To meet timely compliance requirements with limited resources and budget, agencies will need to seek out automated solutions.

our professional services team are experts in managing data

WorkSmart™ is Anacomp’s project management services solution leveraging 20 years of records management and processing experience, as well as Lean Six Sigma methodologies. Our team provides recommendations for compliance gaps, process improvements, timelines, and cost savings.
We have saved organizations $72 million/year through improved records management workflows and efficient digitization.

Our WorkSmart™ team analyzes records management data to develop the WorkChart matrix, a comprehensive reporting solution that shows the complete picture of performance data and document record data. We use the assessment to calculate the “as is” cost to organizations to identify potential savings based on implementation of electronic process improvements delivered in a detailed cost model.
The value of WorkChart has been demonstrated in large organizations over decades, each with numerous document types and associated workflows.

Our professional services personnel have security clearances and offer decades of experience with programming and project management certifications in Python, Power BI, Lean Six Sigma, ECM, BPM, and partner technologies including cloud platforms such as AWS.